Check List
February 22nd, 2025 -- 6pm CDT: All Rosters must be imported and validated
March 3rd, 2025 -- 10am CDT: Online Team Check-In opens
March 12th, 2025 -- 6pm CDT: Online Team Check-In must be completed (no exceptions)
March 14th, 2025 -- 6pm CDT: No changes can be made to rosters
Each person listed on a team's official roster must have a valid USAV Full Membership.
This does not apply to Foreign Teams.
All requirements must be complete in order for your roster to be "validated" in SportWrench before you complete the Online Team Check-in process.
Due to USAVs recent change to Sport Engine for their member management system, we (MCVC) no longer have access to specific roster validation issues like we have had in past. We now only have access to see if rosters are, or are not, valid. PLEASE do not wait until the last minute to complete the above checklist as the response time will be dictated off of when USAV has members to assist you with these issues.

Staff Requirements
A valid background screening and SafeSport certification must be completed for all adult staff members.
There is a maximum of 5 staff members per team.
All staff must have an assigned "Role"
There is a maximum of 3 Primary staff members per team. (see Admission for Coaches below)
Head and assistant coaches must have completed IMPACT certification. **Region exceptions do NOT apply.
Cell phone numbers are required for each coach
An IMPACT certified coach, listed on the roster, must be present on the bench at all times.
Junior players, at least 10 years of age and duly registered with USAV, may be on a roster as a staff member as a Manager.​

Roster Requirements
A maximum of 15 athletes are allowed on rosters
All athletes listed on the roster must have a birthdate and uniform number listed.
Athlete's position is mandatory before a team can complete online team check-in.
Every athlete in attendance must be listed on their designated roster.
Boys are not permitted to play on teams in this event
Boys can participate on 12U teams as long as those teams are entered in a non-bid division.​
Boys cannot participate on 12U teams that are entered in a USAV bid qualifying division.

Roster Changes & Penalties
Any roster change made after the March 14th at 6pm deadline, may be made with the following conditions:
In person at the championship desk
Pay a $50 penalty fee IN CASH for each roster change​
Uniform Numbers​​
Incorrect uniform numbers listed on the roster can be changed with the following implications:​
Before Match: change can be made & player can participate in that match​
During Match: change can be made at conclusion of match & player must sit for remainder of that match
After Match: change can be made & player must sit for next match
​​​Only one jersey number change can be made for a player during the event.​
Players can only have one jersey number​ per event.​
Illegal Players & Coaches
Players and coaches can be added to a roster with the following implications:​
Before Match: addition can be made & player/coach can participate in that match​
During Match: player must sit for remainder of that match. Additional point penalties may be assessed. Player cannot play for remainder of match or remainder of tournament.
Coach must leave bench for remainder of that match​ & cannot participate for remainder of tournament.
After Match: player cannot participate for remainder of tournament​. Previous match penalties may be assessed.
Coach cannot participate for remainder of tournament.
Players and coaches can only be added to a roster if they are eligible in USAV's SportEngine system and can be imported into SportWrench
Check-In Requirements

In order to complete team check-in, the following things below must be completed:
Staff rosters​
player rosters
Any roster changes requested after March 14th must be made in person at the Championship Desk before the first whistle of your specific wave (8am or 3pm CDT). There will be a $50 penalty fee for EACH roster change requested. After the first whistle of your wave, additions and implications will be done as listed above. Please review.
If your team has an invalid roster after the first of your wave, that player or coach will not be able to participate.

Staff Tickets
Coaches assigned as a “Primary” staff member will receive an email with a QR code Ticket for admission
This will only happen once the online team check-in is completed
Additional coaches, chaperones and managers will need to purchase a regular spectators ticket to enter.
If you have a junior age Team Manager that you want to have assigned as Primary staff, please contact us at info@musiccityvb.com.
There is a maximum of 3 Primary staff members per team.
Entry Instructions

Players in uniform will be granted entry
Coaches will be granted entry with the presentation of their QR Code and ID for EACH entry
Players & coaches will have two entry times per wave:
8:00am matches​
Entry at 7:00am​
8:30am matches
Entry at 7:30am​
3:00pm matches
Entry at 2:00pm​
3:30pm matches
Entry at 2:30pm​
Chaperones and parents cannot enter during the early access period
Players will have a separate entrance from spectators.
Spectators will have two entry times per wave:
8:00am matches​
Entry at 7:30am​
8:30am matches
Entry at 8:00am​
3:00pm matches
Entry at 2:30pm​
3:30pm matches
Entry at 3:00pm​
For more Spectator Entry Information Click Here